
CAARS 2 Manual

Chapter 10: Associated Clinical Concern Items and Impairment & Functional Outcome Items

Associated Clinical Concern Items and Impairment & Functional Outcome Items

In addition to examining the measurement properties for the CAARS 2 Content Scales scores, demographic group differences were also assessed for the CAARS 2 Associated Clinical Concern Items and Impairment & Functional Outcome Items (note that MI and DTF analyses are not item-level analyses and, therefore, are not included in this section).

Item-level analyses were based on the determination of an Associated Clinical Concern Item as “Endorsed” or an Impairment & Functional Outcome Item as “Elevated” (for more information about item elevations, see chapter 4, Interpretation). For the Associated Clinical Concern Items regarding suicidality1 and self-injury, “Endorsed” refers to a response of at least 1, “Just a little true; Occasionally“. For Depression and Anxiety screener items, “Endorsed” refers to a response of at least 2, “Pretty much true; Often/Quite a bit” (with the exception of individuals aged 70 years or older for the Depression screener item, for whom “Endorsed” refers to a response of at least 1, “Just a little true; Occasionally“).

To understand the potential for bias in these items, differences are presented as Cliff’s delta effect size values (Cliff’s d), which compare the frequency of each response option between the two groups. Values closer to -1 indicate that the first group tended to endorse lower values than the second group, values closer to 1 indicate that the first group tended to endorse higher values than the second group, and values close to 0 represent little difference between the groups (Romano et al., 2006). The size of the group differences in terms of item-level endorsement for gender, race/ethnicity, country of residence, and EL2 was explored with the same matched samples described in the corresponding analyses for the Content Scales earlier in this chapter.

Results of these item-level analyses (presented in Tables 10.21 to 10.26) are based on subsets of the Normative Samples and are described in earlier sections of this chapter that correspond to the target variable. Effect sizes were negligible or very small for nearly all comparisons. The median effect size across all comparisons was Cliff’s d = |0.07| for Self-Report (ranging from 0.00 to |0.27|) and |0.04| for Observer (ranging from 0.00 to |0.17|). Overall, these observed effect sizes demonstrate how minimal the differences in the distribution of response frequency are between the various demographic groups, such that responses to these items are not unduly influenced by the individual’s gender, race/ethnicity, country of residence, or EL. Note that overall, endorsement was relatively low (as compared to individuals with clinical diagnoses; see chapter 9, Validity, for more information) for these severe items, as individuals analyzed here comprise the general population. The very small differences observed between demographic groups on the Associated Clinical Concern Items and the Impairment & Functional Outcome Items further support that the CAARS 2 item-level indicators are generalizable and can be fairly applied across diverse populations.

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Table 10.21. Item-Level Demographic Group Differences: Gender

Item Type Item Stem Self-Report Observer
Male Female Male Female
Associated Clinical Concern Items Suicidal thoughts/attempts 24.4 26.8 .03 12.2 16.9 .10
Self-injury 21.0 20.7 -.02 12.2 15.3 .07
Sadness/emptiness* 28.5 26.1 -.04 10.6 10.3 .01
Anxiety/worry 9.9 12.7 .02 4.3 5.6 .02
Impairment & Functional Outcome Items Bothered by things endorsed on the CAARS 2 16.0 9.1 -.06 13.1 11.3 .01
Things endorsed on the CAARS 2 interfere with life 13.2 8.9 -.05 12.4 13.3 -.02
Problems in romantic/marital relationship(s) 19.0 12.1 -.12 14.9 17.1 .03
Problems in relationships with family members 13.4 10.8 -.07 13.7 13.1 .07
Problems in relationships with friends, coworkers, or neighbors 14.9 8.6 -.11 5.6 9.2 .03
Problems at work and/or school 18.8 9.1 -.11 6.1 7.2 -.02
Has a harder time with things than other people do 13.8 9.5 -.04 5.9 6.8 .04
Underachiever 16.0 9.1 -.09 10.1 7.7 -.02
Sleep problems 18.8 20.1 .02 12.4 16.2 .08
Problems with money management 16.0 13.0 -.02 13.3 15.3 .03
Neglects family or household responsibilities 15.3 9.5 -.07 9.7 7.4 -.06
Risky driving 19.0 6.5 -.12 7.4 2.9 -.11
Problems due to time spent online 13.8 13.0 -.01 10.6 14.0 .01
Note. Guidelines for interpreting Cliff's |d|: negligible effect size < .15; small effect size = .15 to .32; medium effect size = .33 to .46; large effect size ≥ .47. A positive Cliff's d value indicates higher ratings for females than males.
* The item stem for this Screening Item is Sadness/Emptiness for Self-Report and Sadness for Observer.
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Table 10.22. Item-Level Demographic Group Differences: U.S. Race/Ethnicity (White vs. Hispanic)

Item Type Item Stem Self-Report Observer
White Hispanic White Hispanic
Associated Clinical Concern Items Suicidal thoughts/attempts 28.0 19.4 .16 8.7 14.6 -.04
Self-injury 28.0 18.3 .18 8.7 7.8 .07
Sadness/emptiness* 35.5 25.8 .11 12.1 9.9 .02
Anxiety/worry 18.3 11.8 .05 4.0 7.8 -.04
Impairment & Functional Outcome Items Bothered by things endorsed on the CAARS 2 20.4 18.3 .05 9.7 9.7 .08
Things endorsed on the CAARS 2 interfere with life 15.1 10.8 .13 13.6 13.6 -.10
Problems in romantic/marital relationship(s) 21.5 17.2 .06 18.4 21.4 .01
Problems in relationships with family members 17.2 16.1 .12 14.6 12.6 .00
Problems in relationships with friends, coworkers, or neighbors 17.2 11.8 .09 6.8 6.8 .01
Problems at work and/or school 14.0 15.1 .00 6.8 4.9 .00
Has a harder time with things than other people do 17.2 19.4 .00 7.8 5.8 -.03
Underachiever 14.0 14.0 .09 9.7 6.8 -.04
Sleep problems 22.6 15.1 .15 9.7 15.5 -.08
Problems with money management 23.7 9.7 .08 18.4 18.4 .00
Neglects family or household responsibilities 19.4 10.8 .08 10.7 11.7 .01
Risky driving 12.9 11.8 -.01 6.8 5.8 .02
Problems due to time spent online 16.1 10.8 .02 13.6 15.5 -.04
Note. Guidelines for interpreting Cliff's |d|: negligible effect size < .15; small effect size = .15 to .32; medium effect size = .33 to .46; large effect size ≥ .47. A positive Cliff's d value indicates higher ratings for White individuals than Hispanic individuals.
* The item stem for this Screening Item is Sadness/Emptiness for Self-Report and Sadness for Observer.
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Table 10.23. Item-Level Demographic Group Differences: U.S. Race/Ethnicity (White vs. Black)

Item Type Item Stem Self-Report Observer
White Black White Black
Associated Clinical Concern Items Suicidal thoughts/attempts 35.5 16.7 .27 11.8 14.5 .11
Self-injury 31.2 17.4 .19 11.2 15.8 .08
Sadness/emptiness* 33.3 20.3 .16 6.2 11.3 -.06
Anxiety/worry 15.2 5.1 .10 1.4 4.6 -.04
Impairment & Functional Outcome Items Bothered by things endorsed on the CAARS 2 14.5 8.7 .17 9.2 11.2 .06
Things endorsed on the CAARS 2 interfere with life 15.2 8.7 .13 11.2 14.5 .01
Problems in romantic/marital relationship(s) 17.4 15.9 .02 16.4 15.8 -.02
Problems in relationships with family members 14.5 8.7 .09 15.1 11.8 .07
Problems in relationships with friends, coworkers, or neighbors 15.9 9.4 .09 5.3 9.2 .03
Problems at work and/or school 16.7 12.3 .06 3.9 12.5 -.08
Has a harder time with things than other people do 11.6 8.7 .11 6.6 9.9 -.01
Underachiever 17.4 11.6 .15 12.5 8.6 .03
Sleep problems 26.1 19.6 .13 13.8 13.2 .17
Problems with money management 21.7 13.8 .08 16.4 23.0 .02
Neglects family or household responsibilities 15.9 12.3 .08 10.5 9.9 .01
Risky driving 13.8 8.7 .06 5.9 7.9 -.02
Problems due to time spent online 15.2 12.3 .05 14.5 15.8 -.02
Note. Guidelines for interpreting Cliff's |d|: negligible effect size < .15; small effect size = .15 to .32; medium effect size = .33 to .46; large effect size ≥ .47. A positive Cliff's d value indicates higher ratings for White individuals than Black individuals.
* The item stem for this Screening Item is Sadness/Emptiness for Self-Report and Sadness for Observer.
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Table 10.24. Item-Level Demographic Group Differences: U.S. Race/Ethnicity (White vs. Asian)

Item Type Item Stem Self-Report Observer
White Asian White Asian
Associated Clinical Concern Items Suicidal thoughts/attempts 26.9 19.2 .21 5.7 11.4 -.02
Self-injury 21.2 13.5 .13 8.6 2.9 -.03
Sadness/emptiness* 26.9 15.4 .12 3.0 5.7 -.03
Anxiety/worry 13.5 13.5 .00 0.0 5.7 -.06
Impairment & Functional Outcome Items Bothered by things endorsed on the CAARS 2 13.5 15.4 -.04 11.4 14.3 .03
Things endorsed on the CAARS 2 interfere with life 13.5 9.6 -.14 5.7 8.6 -.09
Problems in romantic/marital relationship(s) 13.5 11.5 .00 14.3 14.3 .07
Problems in relationships with family members 13.5 13.5 .04 11.4 2.9 .00
Problems in relationships with friends, coworkers, or neighbors 11.5 9.6 .05 8.6 2.9 .03
Problems at work and/or school 11.5 11.5 -.01 5.7 5.7 -.10
Has a harder time with things than other people do 9.6 5.8 .04 2.9 0.0 .09
Underachiever 7.7 11.5 .03 5.7 5.7 .06
Sleep problems 21.2 3.8 .27 14.3 11.4 .02
Problems with money management 15.4 13.5 .07 14.3 11.4 -.01
Neglects family or household responsibilities 13.5 13.5 -.08 2.9 0.0 -.02
Risky driving 7.7 11.5 -.04 5.7 2.9 -.02
Problems due to time spent online 7.7 13.5 -.06 2.9 17.1 -.17
Note. Guidelines for interpreting Cliff's |d|: negligible effect size < .15; small effect size = .15 to .32; medium effect size = .33 to .46; large effect size ≥ .47. A positive Cliff's d value indicates higher ratings for White individuals than Asian individuals.
* The item stem for this Screening Item is Sadness/Emptiness for Self-Report and Sadness for Observer.
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Table 10.25. Item-Level Demographic Group Differences: Country of Residence

Item Type Item Stem Self-Report Observer
U.S. Canada U.S. Canada
Associated Clinical Concern Items Suicidal thoughts/attempts 22.1 26.7 -.02 8.6 7.4 .03
Self-injury 20.9 20.9 .06 14.8 13.6 .10
Sadness/emptiness* 34.9 33.7 .04 7.7 7.5 .01
Anxiety/worry 20.9 10.5 .10 3.8 3.8 .00
Impairment & Functional Outcome Items Bothered by things endorsed on the CAARS 2 11.6 9.3 .11 13.6 8.6 -.05
Things endorsed on the CAARS 2 interfere with life 9.3 7.0 .06 13.6 9.9 .13
Problems in romantic/marital relationship(s) 15.1 12.8 -.01 19.8 14.8 .07
Problems in relationships with family members 10.5 9.3 .08 13.6 6.2 .09
Problems in relationships with friends, coworkers, or neighbors 15.1 9.3 .12 4.9 1.2 .08
Problems at work and/or school 15.1 11.6 .07 7.4 3.7 .14
Has a harder time with things than other people do 10.5 10.5 .09 4.9 1.2 .09
Underachiever 14.0 10.5 -.04 13.6 7.4 .00
Sleep problems 20.9 22.1 -.06 19.8 21.0 .05
Problems with money management 17.4 12.8 .08 18.5 16.0 .05
Neglects family or household responsibilities 16.3 7.0 .04 11.1 8.6 .09
Risky driving 11.6 8.1 .05 3.7 6.2 -.07
Problems due to time spent online 16.3 10.5 -.01 11.1 14.8 -.03
Note. Guidelines for interpreting Cliff's |d|: negligible effect size < .15; small effect size = .15 to .32; medium effect size = .33 to .46; large effect size ≥ .47. A positive Cliff's d value indicates higher ratings for individuals from the U.S than individuals from Canada.
* The item stem for this Screening Item is Sadness/Emptiness for Self-Report and Sadness for Observer.
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Table 10.26. Item-Level Demographic Group Differences: Education Level

Item Type Item Stem Self-Report Observer
EL 1-2 EL 3-5 EL 1-2 EL 3-5
Associated Clinical Concern Items Suicidal thoughts/attempts 23.2 27.7 -.08 12.6 17.4 -.04
Self-injury 22.0 21.8 .00 13.6 15.0 -.05
Sadness/emptiness* 23.2 29.1 -.07 10.3 13.7 -.02
Anxiety/worry 10.9 13.4 -.03 4.9 6.4 -.02
Impairment & Functional Outcome Items Bothered by things endorsed on the CAARS 2 12.1 16.7 -.05 10.3 15.8 -.10
Things endorsed on the CAARS 2 interfere with life 9.1 14.2 -.05 14.7 15.5 -.02
Problems in romantic/marital relationship(s) 13.1 17.2 -.10 16.5 18.2 -.05
Problems in relationships with family members 13.1 12.9 -.06 12.2 14.9 -.05
Problems in relationships with friends, coworkers, or neighbors 10.3 13.4 -.08 7.4 7.7 -.02
Problems at work and/or school 10.1 17.3 -.09 5.8 8.6 -.06
Has a harder time with things than other people do 9.5 13.5 .00 6.8 7.6 .03
Underachiever 12.3 12.5 .00 11.2 9.3 .07
Sleep problems 15.8 22.2 -.09 15.3 15.7 -.05
Problems with money management 14.5 16.4 -.05 16.3 16.0 .00
Neglects family or household responsibilities 9.9 16.1 -.06 10.3 9.0 .01
Risky driving 10.3 15.3 -.07 6.2 5.6 .01
Problems due to time spent online 12.1 15.8 -.13 10.9 14.8 -.04
Note. EL = Education level. EL 1–2 = High school diploma or less; EL 3–5 = Some post-secondary education. Guidelines for interpreting Cliff's |d|: negligible effect size < .15; small effect size = .15 to .32; medium effect size = .33 to .46; large effect size ≥ .47. A positive Cliff's d value indicates higher ratings for individuals with higher levels of education (EL 3–5) than individuals with lower levels of education (EL 1–2).
* The item stem for this Screening Item is Sadness/Emptiness for Self-Report and Sadness for Observer.

1 The suicidality item administered during data collection for CAARS 2 Self-Report read, “I have thought about killing myself.” This item was subsequently modified to “I have thought about or attempted suicide” to better parallel the phrasing used on the Observer form. Results presented within this section are based on data collected with the original item text, as opposed to the updated version of the item used in the published CAARS 2.

2 Given the small differences and mirroring what was done for the EL invariance analyses earlier in this chapter, EL was collapsed into two groups: (a) High school diploma or less (EL 1 and EL 2), and (b) Some post-secondary education (EL 3 to EL 5).

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