
CAARS 2 Manual

Chapter 3: Overview


This chapter provides information about administering and scoring the Conners Adult ADHD Rating Scales 2nd Edition (CAARS™ 2), the CAARS™ 2–Short, and the CAARS™ 2–ADHD Index. Specific information is provided about administration times and optimal administration settings, as well as modified and repeated administrations. Guidance is provided to help increase compliance, reduce bias, and ensure adherence to ethical and legal guidelines. Information about informed consent, confidentiality, and the feedback session is also included. Details about the online scoring options are presented, including how omitted responses are handled and various report features. The chapter closes with a summary of data security, protection of personal health information, hardware/software requirements, and contact information for technical support.

CAARS 2 users are encouraged to read this chapter in its entirety when first learning to administer and score this instrument. Once familiar with the CAARS 2, users can refer to Figure 3.1 which provides a convenient summary of the various combinations of administration and scoring options, including both online and paper options.

Click to expand

Figure 3.1. Administration and Scoring Overview

Important Note: Information provided in this chapter describes the administration of the CAARS 2 through the MHS Online Assessment Center+, including online and paper administration options. When the CAARS 2 is accessed through systems other than the MHS Online Assessment Center+ (such as integrations with MHS’ Global partners, electronic health records, offender management systems, and student information systems), please consult the documentation from your specific portal provider.

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