
CAARS 2 Manual

Appendix J: Sample Descriptions

Appendix J: Sample Descriptions

This appendix provides tables that describe the samples used within this manual. Demographic characteristics of the individual being rated, as well as the raters, are provided for the Gender Specific Normative Samples (see chapter 7, Standardization, for Combined Gender Normative Samples’ demographic characteristics), as well as the samples used to provide evidence of reliability, validity, and fairness for the Conners Adult ADHD Rating Scale 2nd Edition (CAARS™ 2; see chapters 8 through 12 for study descriptions and detailed results).


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Table J.7a. Education Level × Country × Age Group of the Rated Individuals: CAARS 2 Self-Report Gender Specific Normative Sample (Males)

Age (in years) U.S. Canada Total
EL 1 EL 2 EL 3 EL 4 EL 5 Subtotal EL 1 EL 2 EL 3 EL 4 EL 5 Subtotal
18–24 10 16 20 4 0 50 0 3 0 1 1 5 55
25–29 4 13 15 13 5 50 1 1 1 1 1 5 55
30–39 6 28 29 24 13 100 1 4 3 2 0 10 110
40–49 7 29 26 24 14 100 1 3 4 2 0 10 110
50–59 7 27 30 22 14 100 0 4 3 2 1 10 110
60–69 9 28 27 23 13 100 1 1 3 3 2 10 110
70+ 12 30 14 16 14 86 2 1 3 1 1 8 94
Total 55 171 161 126 73 586 6 17 17 12 6 58 644
Total (%) 9.4 29.2 27.5 21.5 12.5 100.0 10.3 29.3 29.3 20.7 10.3 100.0
Census (%) 11.4 30.1 27.0 20.2 11.4 15.5 25.8 34.9 15.2 8.5
Note. EL = Education level; EL 1 = No high school diploma; EL 2 = High school diploma/GED; EL 3 = Some college or associate degree; EL 4 = Bachelor's degree; EL 5 = Graduate or professional degree. U.S. census figures are from the 2018 American Community Survey, and Canadian population data are from the 2016 Statistics Canada National Census.
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Table J.7b. Education Level × Country × Age Group of the Rated Individuals: CAARS 2 Self-Report Gender Specific Normative Sample (Females)

Age (in years) U.S. Canada Total
EL 1 EL 2 EL 3 EL 4 EL 5 Subtotal EL 1 EL 2 EL 3 EL 4 EL 5 Subtotal
18–24 8 15 22 5 0 50 0 2 1 1 1 5 55
25–29 2 13 15 16 4 50 0 2 1 1 1 5 55
30–39 8 23 32 27 10 100 1 2 3 2 2 10 110
40–49 7 24 30 23 16 100 1 2 3 3 1 10 110
50–59 7 29 31 22 11 100 2 3 3 2 0 10 110
60–69 8 30 31 20 11 100 0 2 4 3 1 10 110
70+ 19 39 28 17 11 114 3 4 3 1 1 12 126
Total 59 173 189 130 63 614 7 17 18 13 7 62 676
Total (%) 9.6 28.2 30.8 21.2 10.3 100.0 11.3 27.4 29.0 21.0 11.3 100.0
Census (%) 10.4 27.3 29.3 21.0 11.9 14.5 25.9 33.4 18.1 8.1
Note. EL = Education level; EL 1 = No high school diploma; EL 2 = High school diploma/GED; EL 3 = Some college or associate degree; EL 4 = Bachelor's degree; EL 5 = Graduate or professional degree. U.S. census figures are from the 2018 American Community Survey, and Canadian population data are from the 2016 Statistics Canada National Census.
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Table J.8a. Education Level × Country × Age Group of the Rated Individuals: CAARS 2 Observer Gender Specific Normative Sample (Males)

Age (in years) U.S. Canada Total
EL 1 EL 2 EL 3 EL 4 EL 5 Subtotal EL 1 EL 2 EL 3 EL 4 EL 5 Subtotal
18–24 8 19 20 3 0 50 0 2 2 1 0 5 55
25–29 5 16 15 10 4 50 0 3 1 1 0 5 55
30–39 10 31 27 24 8 100 1 2 4 2 1 10 110
40–49 5 29 29 23 14 100 0 2 3 2 3 10 110
50–59 10 32 26 18 14 100 1 4 4 1 0 10 110
60–69 13 29 28 21 9 100 2 2 2 3 1 10 110
70+ 12 25 19 17 13 86 3 1 2 1 1 8 94
Total 63 181 164 116 62 586 7 16 18 11 6 58 644
Total (%) 10.8 30.9 28.0 19.8 10.6 100.0 12.1 27.6 31.0 19.0 10.3 100.0
Census (%) 11.4 30.1 27.0 20.2 11.4 15.5 25.8 34.9 15.2 8.5
Note. EL = Education level; EL 1 = No high school diploma; EL 2 = High school diploma/GED; EL 3 = Some college or associate degree; EL 4 = Bachelor's degree; EL 5 = Graduate or professional degree. U.S. census figures are from the 2018 American Community Survey, and Canadian population data are from the 2016 Statistics Canada National Census.
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Table J.8b. Education Level × Country × Age Group of the Rated Individuals: CAARS 2 Observer Gender Specific Normative Sample (Females)

Age (in years) U.S. Canada Total
EL 1 EL 2 EL 3 EL 4 EL 5 Subtotal EL 1 EL 2 EL 3 EL 4 EL 5 Subtotal
18–24 6 16 22 5 1 50 0 3 1 1 0 5 55
25–29 1 10 17 16 6 50 0 1 2 1 1 5 55
30–39 2 23 29 29 17 100 0 2 4 3 1 10 110
40–49 7 26 28 26 13 100 1 1 3 1 4 10 110
50–59 9 27 31 18 15 100 0 3 5 2 0 10 110
60–69 10 32 27 18 13 100 1 3 2 1 3 10 110
70+ 21 38 23 18 14 114 2 4 4 2 0 12 126
Total 56 172 177 130 79 614 4 17 21 11 9 62 676
Total (%) 9.1 28.0 28.8 21.2 12.9 100.0 6.5 27.4 33.9 17.7 14.5 100.0
Census (%) 10.4 27.3 29.3 21.0 11.9 14.5 25.9 33.4 18.1 8.1
Note. EL = Education level; EL 1 = No high school diploma; EL 2 = High school diploma/GED; EL 3 = Some college or associate degree; EL 4 = Bachelor's degree; EL 5 = Graduate or professional degree. U.S. census figures are from the 2018 American Community Survey, and Canadian population data are from the 2016 Statistics Canada National Census
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Table J.10. Demographic Characteristic of the Rated Individuals: CAARS 2 Gender Specific ADHD Reference Samples

Demographic Self-Report Observer
Females Males Females Males
N % N % N % N %
U.S. Race/Ethnicity Asian 0 0.0 2 1.9 0 0.0 0 0.0
Black 4 3.7 1 0.9 3 4.2 0 0.0
Hispanic 7 6.5 7 6.6 5 7.0 7 9.2
White 94 87.0 90 84.9 61 85.9 67 88.2
Other 3 2.8 6 5.7 2 2.8 2 2.6
Canadian Race/Ethnicity Not a visible minority 12 75.0 20 87.0 7 70.0 8 72.7
Visible minority 4 25.0 3 13.0 3 30.0 3 27.3
U.S. Region Northeast 25 23.1 21 19.8 17 23.9 20 26.3
Midwest 24 22.2 26 24.5 15 21.1 22 28.9
South 32 29.6 38 35.8 21 29.6 24 31.6
West 27 25.0 21 19.8 18 25.4 10 13.2
Canadian Region East 1 8.3 3 13.6 1 10.0 2 18.2
Central 9 58.3 12 50.0 6 60.0 7 63.6
West 6 33.3 8 36.4 3 30.0 2 18.2
Education Level No high school diploma 1 0.8 1 0.8 0 0.0 1 1.1
High school diploma/GED 13 10.5 21 16.3 7 8.6 13 14.9
Some college or associate degree 44 35.5 53 41.1 35 43.2 38 43.7
Bachelor's degree 37 29.8 30 23.3 19 23.5 17 19.5
Graduate or professional degree 29 23.4 24 18.6 20 24.7 18 20.7
ADHD Presentation Inattentive 57 46.0 57 44.2 34 42.0 31 35.6
Hyperactive/Impulsive 5 4.0 5 3.9 4 4.9 5 5.7
Combined 62 50.0 67 51.9 43 53.1 51 58.6
Age in years M (SD) 36.1 (12.4) 36.2 (13.1) 35.2 (12.6) 34.4 (12.4)
Total 124 100.0 129 100.0 81 100.0 87 100.0
Note. EL = Education level; EL 1 = No high school diploma; EL 2 = High school diploma/GED; EL 3 = Some college or associate degree; EL 4 = Bachelor's degree; EL 5 = Graduate or professional degree.

Demographic Characteristics of the Normative Sample Observers

Table J.11 contains key demographic characteristics of the Normative Sample observers (i.e., people completing the CAARS 2 about someone else that they know well). Note that these demographic variables were not used to stratify the Normative Sample, but they are being provided to thoroughly describe the individuals who provided ratings of the Normative Samples for interested readers. The observers ranged from 18 to 89 years old (M = 43.8 years; SD = 15.8 years), and the majority were female (69.9%), and White (68% in the U.S.) or Not a visible minority (79.4% in Canada). Observers came from across the U.S. and Canada and reported a wide range of education levels.

In examining the Combined Gender Normative Sample, the nature of the relationship between observers and the individuals being rated varied (with spouses being the most common at 27.7%, followed by friends at 26.4%). The vast majority of observers had known the person being rated for more than 3 years (93.0%), knew them very well (93.9%), and had daily interactions with the rated individual (62.7%).

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Table J.11. Demographic Characteristics of Observers: CAARS 2 Observer Normative Samples

Demographic Combined Gender Females Males
N % N % N %
Gender Female 843 63.9 426 63.1 417 64.8
Male 476 36.1 249 36.9 227 35.2
Other 1 0.1 0 0.0 0 0.0
U.S. Race/Ethnicity Asian 48 4.0 24 3.9 24 4.1
Black 140 11.7 71 11.6 69 11.8
Hispanic 167 14.0 87 14.3 80 13.7
White 812 68.0 407 66.7 405 69.3
Other 27 2.3 21 3.4 6 1.0
Canadian Race/Ethnicity Not a visible minority 100 79.4 49 74.2 51 85.0
Visible minority 26 20.6 17 25.8 9 15.0
Education Level No high school diploma 42 3.2 22 3.3 20 3.1
High school diploma/GED 313 23.7 156 23.1 156 24.2
Some college or associate degree 509 38.6 274 40.5 235 36.5
Bachelor’s degree 318 24.1 159 23.5 160 24.8
Graduate or professional degree 138 10.5 65 9.6 73 11.3
Relation to individual being rated Spouse 365 27.7 136 20.1 227 35.2
Parent 121 9.2 55 8.1 67 10.4
Child 218 16.5 145 21.4 73 11.3
Sibling 147 11.1 84 12.4 62 9.6
Other Relative 115 8.7 57 8.4 58 9.0
Friend 349 26.4 195 28.8 156 24.2
Co-worker 2 0.2 2 0.3 0 0.0
Other 3 0.2 2 0.3 1 0.2
Length of relationship 1–5 months 9 0.7 6 0.9 4 0.6
6–11 months 10 0.8 5 0.7 4 0.6
1–3 years 73 5.5 34 5.0 39 6.1
More than 3 years 1,228 93.0 631 93.3 597 92.7
How well does the observer know the individual being rated? Very well 1,239 93.9 637 94.2 603 93.6
Moderately well 81 6.1 39 5.8 41 6.4
How often does the observer interact with the individual being rated? Daily 827 62.7 427 63.2 398 61.8
Weekly 396 30.0 202 29.9 195 30.3
Monthly 97 7.3 47 7.0 51 7.9
Age in years M (SD) 44.3 (15.6) 43.3 (15.7) 44.5 (15.7)
Total 1,320 100.0 676 100.0 644 100.0
Note. EL = Education level; EL 1 = No high school diploma; EL 2 = High school diploma/GED; EL 3 = Some college or associate degree; EL 4 = Bachelor's degree; EL 5 = Graduate or professional degree.

Demographic Characteristics of the ADHD Sample Observers

Table J.12 contains key demographic characteristics of the ADHD Sample observers (i.e., people completing the CAARS 2 about someone else).

Data from 170 observers were included in the Combined Gender ADHD Reference Sample; each observer typically completed only one rating scale about one individual. Key demographic characteristics of the ADHD Reference Sample Observers are provided in Table J.12. The majority (71.8%) of the Observer reports in the ADHD Reference Sample also had matching Self-Report data (see Inter-Rater Reliability in chapter 8, Reliability, for information on consistency between Self-Report and Observer ratings on the CAARS 2).

The majority of the observers were female (63.5%), and White (85.7% in the U.S.) or not a visible minority (82.6% in Canada). Observers came from across the U.S. and Canada and reported a range of education levels. The nature of the relationship between the observers and the individuals being rated varied, with spouses being the most common (55.3%), followed by friends (15.3%). The vast majority of observers had known the person being rated for more than 3 years (87.1%), knew them very well (94.7%), and had daily interactions with the rated individual (81.8%).

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Table J.12. Demographic Characteristics of Observers: CAARS 2 Observer ADHD Reference Samples

Demographic Combined Gender Females Males
N % N % N %
Gender Female 108 63.5 34 42.0 73 83.9
Male 61 35.9 47 58.0 13 14.9
Other 1 0.6 0 0.0 1 1.1
U.S. Race/Ethnicity Asian 1 0.7 0 0.0 1 1.3
Black 3 2.0 2 2.9 1 1.3
Hispanic 15 10.2 8 11.4 7 9.2
White 126 85.7 60 85.7 66 86.8
Other 2 1.4 0 0.0 1 1.3
Canadian Race/Ethnicity Not a visible minority 19 82.6 8 36.4 10 45.5
Visible minority 4 17.4 3 13.6 1 4.5
Education Level No high school diploma 2 1.2 1 1.2 1 1.1
High school diploma/GED 21 12.4 11 13.6 8 9.2
Some college or associate degree 50 29.4 19 23.5 31 35.6
Bachelor's degree 55 32.4 33 40.7 22 25.3
Graduate or professional degree 42 24.7 17 21.0 25 28.7
Relation to individual being rated Spouse 94 55.3 44 54.3 49 56.3
Parent 21 12.4 9 11.1 12 13.8
Child 10 5.9 4 4.9 6 6.9
Sibling 13 7.6 7 8.6 5 5.7
Other Relative 2 1.2 1 1.2 1 1.1
Friend 26 15.3 15 18.5 11 12.6
Co-worker 2 1.2 1 1.2 1 1.1
Other 2 1.2 0 0.0 2 2.3
Length of relationship 1–5 months 1 0.6 0 0.0 1 1.1
6–11 months 2 1.2 0 0.0 1 1.1
1–3 years 19 11.2 9 11.1 10 11.5
More than 3 years 148 87.1 72 88.9 75 86.2
How well does the Observer know the individual being rated? Very well 161 94.7 75 92.6 84 96.6
Moderately well 9 5.3 6 7.4 3 3.4
How often does the Observer interact with the individual being rated? Daily 139 81.8 66 81.5 71 81.6
Weekly 28 16.5 13 16.0 15 17.2
Monthly 3 1.8 2 2.5 1 1.1
Age in years M (SD) 36.9 (13.5) 38.1 (13.0) 36.3 (13.9)
Total 170 100.0 81 100.0 87 100.0
Note. EL = Education level; EL 1 = No high school diploma; EL 2 = High school diploma/GED; EL 3 = Some college or associate degree; EL 4 = Bachelor's degree; EL 5 = Graduate or professional degree.


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Table J.13. Demographic Characteristics: CAARS 2 Test-Retest Samples

Demographic Rated Individual Rater
Self-Report Observer
N % N % N %
Gender Female 40 45.5 26 42.6 33 54.1
Male 48 54.5 35 57.4 28 45.9
U.S. Race/Ethnicity Asian 6 6.8 3 4.9 2 3.3
Black 10 11.4 5 8.2 4 6.6
Hispanic 10 11.4 5 8.2 1 1.6
White 58 65.9 47 77.0 54 88.5
Other 1 1.1 1 1.6 0 0.0
Canadian Race/Ethnicity Not a visible minority 3 3.4 0 0.0 0 0.0
Visible minority 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0
U.S. Region Northeast 16 18.2 12 19.7 12 19.7
Midwest 21 23.9 15 24.6 14 23.0
South 38 43.2 25 41.0 25 41.0
West 10 11.4 9 14.8 10 16.4
Canadian Region Central 1 1.1 0 0.0 0 0.0
East 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0
West 2 2.3 0 0.0 0 0.0
Education Level No high school diploma 6 6.8 2 3.3 2 3.3
High school diploma/GED 25 28.4 19 31.1 16 26.2
Some college or associate degree 28 31.8 26 42.6 25 41.0
Bachelor's degree 17 19.3 12 19.7 16 26.2
Graduate or professional degree 12 13.6 2 3.3 2 3.3
Relation to individual being rated Spouse -- -- -- -- 28 45.9
Friend -- -- -- -- 22 36.1
Other Family Member -- -- -- -- 11 18.0
Length of relationship 1–5 months -- -- -- -- 1 1.6
6–11 months -- -- -- -- 0 0.0
1–3 years -- -- -- -- 4 6.6
More than 3 years -- -- -- -- 56 91.8
How well does the rater know the individual being rated? Moderately well -- -- -- -- 2 3.3
Very well -- -- -- -- 59 96.7
How often does the rater interact with the individual being rated? Monthly -- -- -- -- 3 4.9
Weekly -- -- -- -- 14 23.0
Daily -- -- -- -- 44 72.1
Age in years M (SD) 45.1 (13.3) 45.8 (14.7) 45.8 (14.7)
Days between administrations M (SD) 18.7 (6.3) 20.9 (6.6) 20.9 (6.6)
Total 88 100.0 61 100.0 61 100.0
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Table J.14. Demographic Characteristics: CAARS 2 Inter-Rater Reliability Study 1 (Same Rater Type)

Demographic Rated Individual Rater 1 Rater 2
N % N % N %
Gender Female 13 44.8 15 51.7 17 58.6
Male 16 55.2 14 48.3 10 34.5
Other 0 0.0 0 0.0 2 6.9
U.S. Race/Ethnicity Asian 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0
Black 1 3.4 1 3.4 1 3.4
Hispanic 2 6.9 2 6.9 2 6.9
White 25 86.2 25 86.2 25 86.2
Other 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0
Canadian Race/Ethnicity Not a visible minority 1 3.4 1 3.4 1 3.4
Visible minority 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0
U.S. Region Northeast 5 17.2 5 17.2 4 13.8
Midwest 11 37.9 10 34.5 12 41.4
South 11 37.9 12 41.4 12 41.4
West 1 3.4 1 3.4 0 0.0
Canadian Region Central 1 3.4 1 3.4 1 3.4
East 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0
West 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0
Education Level No high school diploma 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0
High school diploma/GED 5 17.2 3 10.3 8 27.6
Some college or associate degree 15 51.7 12 41.4 7 24.1
Bachelor's degree 4 13.8 7 24.1 12 41.4
Graduate or professional degree 5 17.2 7 24.1 2 6.9
Diagnosis ADHD Inattentive 7 24.1 -- -- -- --
ADHD Combined 5 17.2 -- -- -- --
ADHD Hyperactive/Impulsive 0 0.0 -- -- -- --
Anxiety 15 51.7 -- -- -- --
Depression 16 55.2 -- -- -- --
Other Diagnosis 12 41.4 -- -- -- --
No Diagnosis 0 0.0 -- -- -- --
Relation to individual being rated Spouse -- -- 0 0.0 0 0.0
Friend -- -- 6 20.7 6 20.7
Other Family Member -- -- 23 79.3 23 79.3
Other (Non-Family Member) -- -- 0 0.0 0 0.0
Length of relationship 1–5 months -- -- 0 0.0 0 0.0
6–11 months -- -- 0 0.0 0 0.0
1–3 years -- -- 2 6.9 1 3.4
More than 3 years -- -- 27 93.1 28 96.6
How well does the rater know the individual being rated? Moderately well -- -- 2 6.9 2 6.9
Very well -- -- 27 93.1 27 93.1
How often does the rater interact with the individual being rated? Monthly -- -- 0 0.0 1 3.4
Weekly -- -- 8 27.6 14 48.3
Daily -- -- 21 72.4 14 48.3
Age in years M (SD) 32.6 (15.1) 40.4 (14.0) 37.8 (15.6)
Days between administrations M (SD) 3.8 (4.5)
Total 29 100.0 29 100.0 29 100.0
Note. Anxiety includes Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Panic Disorder, and Social Anxiety Disorder. Depression includes Major Depressive Disorder, Major Depressive Episode, and Persistent Depressive Disorder. Other Diagnoses include less frequently reported co-occurring diagnoses, such as Autism Spectrum Disorder and Substance-Related and Addictive Disorders. The sum of diagnoses is greater than the total N because individuals with co-occurring diagnoses count towards more than one diagnostic group.
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Table J.15. Demographic Characteristics: CAARS 2 Inter-Rater Reliability Study 2 (Different Rater Types)

Demographic Self-Report/Observer Observer/Observer
Rated Individual Rater Rated Individual Rater 1 Rater 2
N % N % N % N % N %
Gender Female 122 57.8 127 60.2 29 61.7 27 57.4 31 66.0
Male 88 41.7 83 39.3 18 38.3 20 42.6 16 34.0
Other 1 0.5 1 0.5 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0
U.S. Race/Ethnicity Asian 0 0.0 1 0.5 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0
Black 9 4.3 9 4.3 5 10.6 4 8.5 5 10.6
Hispanic 7 3.3 12 5.7 3 6.4 2 4.3 5 10.6
White 167 79.1 158 74.9 38 80.9 40 85.1 36 76.6
Other 2 0.9 4 1.9 1 2.1 1 2.1 1 2.1
Canadian Race/Ethnicity Not a visible minority 16 7.6 19 9.0 -- -- 0 0.0 1 2.1
Visible minority 10 4.7 8 3.8 -- -- 0 0.0 0 0.0
U.S. Region Northeast 40 19.0 40 19.0 10 21.3 9 19.1 10 21.3
Midwest 57 27.0 57 27.0 11 23.4 12 25.5 10 21.3
South 64 30.3 64 30.3 24 51.1 24 51.1 22 46.8
West 24 11.4 24 11.4 2 4.3 2 4.3 4 8.5
Canadian Region Central 22 10.4 22 10.4 -- -- 0 0.0 1 2.1
East 4 1.9 4 1.9 -- -- 0 0.0 0 0.0
West 0 0.0 0 0.0 -- -- 0 0.0 0 0.0
Education Level No high school diploma 3 1.4 2 0.9 1 2.1 4 8.5 1 2.1
High school diploma/GED 37 17.5 32 15.2 3 6.4 5 10.6 4 8.5
Some college or associate degree 74 35.1 59 28.0 17 36.2 10 21.3 18 38.3
Bachelor's degree 49 23.2 66 31.3 16 34.0 15 31.9 14 29.8
Graduate or professional degree 48 22.7 52 24.6 10 21.3 13 27.7 10 21.3
Diagnosis ADHD Inattentive 50 23.7 -- -- 6 12.8 -- -- -- --
ADHD Combined 64 30.3 -- -- 15 31.9 -- -- -- --
ADHD Hyperactive/Impulsive 8 3.8 -- -- 1 2.1 -- -- -- --
Anxiety 98 46.4 -- -- 28 59.6 -- -- -- --
Depression 83 39.3 -- -- 27 57.4 -- -- -- --
Other Diagnosis 54 25.6 -- -- 19 40.4 -- -- -- --
No Diagnosis 0 0.0 -- -- 0 0.0 -- -- -- --
Relation to individual being rated Spouse -- -- 103 48.8 -- -- 16 34.0 25 53.2
Friend -- -- 36 17.1 -- -- 11 23.4 7 14.9
Other Family Member -- -- 69 32.7 -- -- 19 40.4 14 29.8
Other -- -- 3 1.4 -- -- 1 2.1 1 2.1
Length of relationship 6–11 months -- -- 0 0.0 -- -- 2 4.3 0 0.0
1–3 years -- -- 18 8.5 -- -- 8 17.0 7 14.9
More than 3 years -- -- 193 91.5 -- -- 37 78.7 40 85.1
How well does the rater know the individual being rated? Moderately well -- -- 9 4.3 -- -- 4 8.5 2 4.3
Very well -- -- 202 95.7 -- -- 43 91.5 45 95.7
How often does the rater interact with the individual being rated? Monthly -- -- 5 2.4 -- -- 1 2.1 2 4.3
Weekly -- -- 41 19.4 -- -- 10 21.3 3 6.4
Daily -- -- 165 78.2 -- -- 36 76.6 42 89.4
Age in years M (SD) 35.0 (12.7) 38.5 (13.3) 35.9 (13.2) 43.6 (16.6) 37.9 (14.8)
Days between administrations M (SD) 7.6 (11.0) 7.2 (7.7)
Total 211 47
Note. Anxiety includes Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Panic Disorder, and Social Anxiety Disorder. Depression includes Major Depressive Disorder, Major Depressive Episode, and Persistent Depressive Disorder. Other Diagnoses include less frequently reported co-occurring diagnoses, such as Autism Spectrum Disorder and Substance-Related and Addictive Disorders. The sum of diagnoses is greater than the total N because individuals with co-occurring diagnoses count towards more than one diagnostic group.


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Table J.16. Demographic Characteristics: CAARS 2 and CAARS Validity Study

Demographic Self-Report Observer: Rated Individual Observer: Rater
N % N % N %
Gender Female 67 65.0 39 61.9 41 65.1
Male 36 35.0 24 38.1 22 34.9
U.S. Race/Ethnicity Asian 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0
Black 2 1.9 2 3.2 1 1.6
Hispanic 3 2.9 2 3.2 4 6.3
White 74 71.8 45 71.4 45 71.4
Other 3 2.9 1 1.6 0 0.0
Canadian Race/Ethnicity Not a visible minority 18 17.5 11 17.5 11 17.5
Visible minority 3 2.9 2 3.2 2 3.2
U.S. Region Northeast 15 14.6 9 14.3 9 14.3
Midwest 16 15.5 11 17.5 12 19.0
South 23 22.3 13 20.6 13 20.6
West 28 27.2 17 27.0 16 25.4
Canadian Region Central 14 13.6 8 12.7 10 15.9
East 2 1.9 3 4.8 3 4.8
West 5 4.9 2 3.2 0 0.0
Education Level No high school diploma 1 1.0 0 0.0 1 1.6
High school diploma/GED 10 9.7 6 9.5 7 11.1
Some college or associate degree 43 41.7 28 44.4 15 23.8
Bachelor's degree 25 24.3 15 23.8 23 36.5
Graduate or professional degree 24 23.3 14 22.2 17 27.0
Diagnosis ADHD Inattentive 42 40.8 27 42.9 -- --
ADHD Combined 59 57.3 35 55.6 -- --
ADHD Hyperactive/Impulsive 2 1.9 1 1.6 -- --
Anxiety 27 26.2 13 20.6 -- --
Depression 34 33.0 14 22.2 -- --
Other Diagnosis 12 11.7 9 14.3 -- --
No Diagnosis 0 0.0 0 0.0 -- --
Relation to individual being rated Spouse -- -- -- -- 42 66.7
Friend -- -- -- -- 13 20.6
Other Family Member -- -- -- -- 7 11.1
Other -- -- -- -- 1 1.6
Length of relationship 1-3 years -- -- -- -- 6 9.5
More than 3 years -- -- -- -- 57 90.5
How well does the rater know the individual being rated? Moderately Well -- -- -- -- 2 3.2
Very Well -- -- -- -- 61 96.8
How often does the rater interact with the individual being rated? Monthly -- -- -- -- 2 3.2
Weekly -- -- -- -- 9 14.3
Daily -- -- -- -- 52 82.5
Days between administrations M (SD) 1.4 (3.7) 1.0 (4.1)
Age in years M (SD) 38.6 (12.7) 38.3 (11.6) 39.3 (13.1)
Total 103 63
Note. Anxiety includes Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Panic Disorder, and Social Anxiety Disorder. Depression includes Major Depressive Disorder, Major Depressive Episode, and Persistent Depressive Disorder. Other Diagnoses include less frequently reported co-occurring diagnoses, such as Autism Spectrum Disorder and Substance-Related and Addictive Disorders. The sum of diagnoses is greater than the total N because individuals with co-occurring diagnoses count towards more than one diagnostic group
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Table J.17. Demographic Characteristics: CAARS 2 and CEFI Adult Validity Study

Demographic Self-Report Observer: Rated Individual Observer: Rater
N % N % N %
Gender Female 69 64.5 34 60.7 37 66.1
Male 38 35.5 22 39.3 19 33.9
U.S. Race/Ethnicity Asian 1 0.9 0 0.0 0 0.0
Black 2 1.9 2 3.6 1 1.8
Hispanic 5 4.7 2 3.6 3 5.4
White 75 70.1 41 73.2 42 75.0
Other 3 2.8 1 1.8 0 0.0
Canadian Race/Ethnicity Not a visible minority 18 16.8 8 14.3 8 14.3
Visible minority 3 2.8 2 3.6 2 3.6
U.S. Region Northeast 14 13.1 9 16.1 1 1.8
Midwest 19 17.8 10 17.9 7 12.5
South 24 22.4 12 21.4 12 21.4
West 29 27.1 15 26.8 20 35.7
Canadian Region Central 14 13.1 7 12.5 16 28.6
East 2 1.9 2 3.6 9 16.1
West 5 4.7 1 1.8 12 21.4
Education Level No high school diploma 1 0.9 0 0.0 11 19.6
High school diploma/GED 10 9.3 6 10.7 14 25.0
Some college or associate degree 44 41.1 25 44.6 8 14.3
Bachelor's degree 26 24.3 11 19.6 2 3.6
Graduate or professional degree 26 24.3 14 25.0 0 0.0
Diagnosis ADHD Inattentive 40 37.4 27 48.2 -- --
ADHD Combined 64 59.8 28 50.0 -- --
ADHD Hyperactive/Impulsive 3 2.8 1 1.8 -- --
Anxiety 31 29.0 11 19.6 -- --
Depression 35 32.7 13 23.2 -- --
Other Diagnosis 13 12.1 8 14.3 -- --
No Diagnosis 0 0.0 0 0.0 -- --
Relation to individual being rated Spouse -- -- -- -- 37 66.1
Friend -- -- -- -- 11 19.6
Other Family Member -- -- -- -- 7 12.5
Other -- -- -- -- 1 1.8
Length of relationship 1-3 years -- -- -- -- 6 10.7
More than 3 years -- -- -- -- 50 89.3
How well does the Rater know the individual being rated? Moderately Well -- -- -- -- 2 3.6
Very Well -- -- -- -- 54 96.4
How often does the Rater interact with the individual being rated? Monthly -- -- -- -- 2 3.6
Weekly -- -- -- -- 7 12.5
Daily -- -- -- -- 47 83.9
Days between administrations M (SD) 1.3 (3.1) 0.7 (1.8)
Age in years M (SD) 38.1 (12.3) 38.8 (11.8) 40.1 (12.7)
Total 107 56
Note. Anxiety includes Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Panic Disorder, and Social Anxiety Disorder. Depression includes Major Depressive Disorder, Major Depressive Episode, and Persistent Depressive Disorder. Other Diagnoses include less frequently reported co-occurring diagnoses, such as Autism Spectrum Disorder and Substance-Related and Addictive Disorders. The sum of diagnoses is greater than the total N because individuals with co-occurring diagnoses count towards more than one diagnostic group.
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Table J.18. Demographic Characteristics: CAARS 2 Self-Report General Population and ADHD Samples

Demographic General Population ADHD Inattentive ADHD Combined
N % N % N %
Gender Female 94 47.7 46 47.9 48 47.5
Male 103 52.3 50 52.1 53 52.5
U.S. Race/Ethnicity Asian 2 1.0 1 1.0 1 1.0
Black 5 2.5 1 1.0 4 4.0
Hispanic 11 5.6 5 5.2 6 5.9
White 156 79.2 81 84.4 75 74.3
Other 3 1.5 2 2.1 1 1.0
Canadian Race/Ethnicity Not a visible minority 17 8.6 6 6.3 11 10.9
Visible minority 3 1.5 0 0.0 3 3.0
U.S. Region Northeast 34 17.3 27 28.1 11 10.9
Midwest 34 17.3 20 20.8 24 23.8
South 72 36.5 28 29.2 31 30.7
West 37 18.8 15 15.6 21 20.8
Canadian Region Central 11 5.6 4 4.2 7 6.9
East 2 1.0 1 1.0 0 0.0
West 7 3.6 1 1.0 7 6.9
Education Level No high school diploma 2 1.0 0 0.0 2 2.0
High school diploma/GED 23 11.7 12 12.5 11 10.9
Some college or associate degree 81 41.1 36 37.5 45 44.6
Bachelor’s degree 53 26.9 28 29.2 25 24.8
Graduate or professional degree 38 19.3 20 20.8 18 17.8
Co-occurring Diagnoses Anxiety 0 0.0 19 19.8 28 27.7
Depression 0 0.0 27 28.1 28 27.7
Other Diagnosis 0 0.0 20 20.8 27 26.7
No co-occurring diagnoses 0 0.0 54 56.3 46 45.5
Age in years M (SD) 37.6 (13.6) 38.5 (13.8) 36.6 (12.6)
Total 197 96 101
Note. Depression includes Major Depressive Disorder, Major Depressive Episode, and Persistent Depressive Disorder. Anxiety includes Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Panic Disorder, Separation Anxiety, and Social Anxiety Disorder. Other Diagnoses include less frequently reported co-occurring diagnoses, such as Autism Spectrum Disorder and Substance-Related and Addictive Disorders. The sum of diagnoses is greater than the total N because individuals with co-occurring diagnoses count towards more than one diagnostic group.
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Table J.19. Demographic Characteristics of the Rated Individuals: CAARS 2 Observer General Population and ADHD Samples

Demographic General Population ADHD Inattentive ADHD Combined
N % N % N %
Gender Female 69 49.6 34 54.0 35 46.1
Male 70 50.4 29 46.0 41 53.9
U.S. Race/Ethnicity Asian 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0
Black 3 2.2 2 3.2 1 1.3
Hispanic 9 6.5 3 4.8 6 7.9
White 110 79.1 52 82.5 58 76.3
Other 4 2.9 3 4.8 1 1.3
Canadian Race/Ethnicity Not a visible minority 13 9.4 3 4.8 10 13.2
Visible minority 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0
U.S. Region Northeast 22 15.8 19 30.2 14 18.4
Midwest 28 20.1 14 22.2 22 28.9
South 49 35.3 18 28.6 18 23.7
West 27 19.4 9 14.3 12 15.8
Canadian Region Central 8 5.8 2 3.2 7 9.2
East 0 0.0 1 1.6 0 0.0
West 5 3.6 0 0.0 3 3.9
Education Level No high school diploma 1 0.7 0 0.0 1 1.3
High school diploma/GED 18 12.9 11 17.5 7 9.2
Some college or associate degree 58 41.7 26 41.3 32 42.1
Bachelor’s degree 32 23.0 9 14.3 23 30.3
Graduate or professional degree 30 21.6 17 27.0 13 17.1
Co-occurring Diagnoses Anxiety 0 0.0 16 25.4 23 30.3
Depression 0 0.0 25 39.7 18 23.7
Other Diagnosis 0 0.0 14 22.2 29 38.2
No co-occurring diagnoses 0 0.0 29 46.0 37 48.7
Age in years M (SD) 35.9 (13.3) 35.6 (14.3) 36.3 (11.7)
Total 139 63 76
Note. Anxiety includes Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Panic Disorder, and Social Anxiety Disorder. Depression includes Major Depressive Disorder, Major Depressive Episode, and Persistent Depressive Disorder. Other Diagnoses include less frequently reported co-occurring diagnoses, such as Autism Spectrum Disorder and Substance-Related and Addictive Disorders. The sum of diagnoses is greater than the total N because individuals with co-occurring diagnoses count towards more than one diagnostic group.
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Table J.20. Demographic Characteristics of Raters: CAARS 2 Observer General Population and ADHD Samples

Demographic General Population ADHD Inattentive ADHD Combined
N % N % N %
Gender Female 92 66.2 36 57.1 48 63.2
Male 47 33.8 27 42.9 27 35.5
Other 0 0.0 0 0.0 1 1.3
U.S. Race/Ethnicity Asian 2 1.4 0 0.0 1 1.3
Black 5 3.6 0 0.0 2 2.6
Hispanic 8 5.8 4 6.3 8 10.5
White 106 76.3 56 88.9 53 69.7
Other 4 2.9 0 0.0 1 1.3
Canadian Race/Ethnicity Not a visible minority 13 9.4 3 4.8 11 14.5
Visible minority 1 0.7 0 0.0 0 0.0
Education Level No high school diploma 4 2.9 1 1.6 0 0.0
High school diploma/GED 21 15.1 10 15.9 8 10.5
Some college or associate degree 60 43.2 16 25.4 23 30.3
Bachelor’s degree 40 28.8 18 28.6 29 38.2
Graduate or professional degree 14 10.1 18 28.6 16 21.1
U.S. Region Northeast 18 12.9 17 27.0 13 17.1
Midwest 26 18.7 16 25.4 23 30.3
South 56 40.3 18 28.6 18 23.7
West 25 18.0 9 14.3 11 14.5
Canadian Region Central 8 5.8 2 3.2 9 11.8
East 1 0.7 1 1.6 0 0.0
West 5 3.6 0 0.0 2 2.6
Relation to individual being rated Spouse 31 22.3 32 50.8 49 64.5
Friend 34 24.5 10 15.9 8 10.5
Other Family Member 73 52.5 18 28.6 17 22.4
Other 1 0.7 3 4.8 2 2.6
Length of relationship 1–5 months 2 1.4 0 0.0 1 1.3
6–11 months 0 0.0 0 0.0 1 1.3
1–3 years 9 6.5 8 12.7 9 11.8
More than 3 years 128 92.1 55 87.3 65 85.5
How well does the rater know the individual being rated? Moderately well 9 6.5 3 4.8 3 3.9
Very well 130 93.5 60 95.2 73 96.1
How often does the rater interact with the individual being rated? Monthly 6 4.3 2 3.2 1 1.3
Weekly 48 34.5 13 20.6 7 9.2
Daily 85 61.2 48 76.2 68 89.5
Age in years M (SD) 40.2 (14.3) 39.0 (14.5) 36.3 (13.3)
Total 139 63 76
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Table J.21. Demographic Characteristics: CAARS 2 Self-Report ADHD, Depression/Anxiety, and General Population Samples

Demographic ADHD Depression/Anxiety General Population
N % N % N %
Gender Female 47 38.5 86 69.9 133 54.3
Male 75 61.5 36 29.3 111 45.3
Other 0 0.0 1 0.8 1 0.4
U.S. Race/Ethnicity Asian 1 0.8 0 0.0 6 2.4
Black 3 2.5 6 4.9 9 3.7
Hispanic 9 7.4 8 6.5 16 6.5
White 87 71.3 92 74.8 182 74.3
Other 2 1.6 0 0.0 4 1.6
Canadian Race/Ethnicity Not a visible minority 17 13.9 8 6.5 23 9.4
Visible minority 3 2.5 9 7.3 5 2.0
U.S. Region Northeast 18 14.8 18 14.6 33 13.5
Midwest 29 23.8 37 30.1 43 17.6
South 27 22.1 41 33.3 83 33.9
West 28 23.0 10 8.1 58 23.7
Canadian Region Central 9 7.4 15 12.2 18 7.3
East 2 1.6 0 0.0 3 1.2
West 9 7.4 2 1.6 7 2.9
Education Level No high school diploma 0 0.0 2 1.6 2 0.8
High school diploma/GED 16 13.1 20 16.3 36 14.7
Some college or associate degree 48 39.3 47 38.2 95 38.8
Bachelor’s degree 34 27.9 31 25.2 65 26.5
Graduate or professional degree 24 19.7 23 18.7 47 19.2
Co-occurring Diagnoses ADHD (All Presentations) 122 100.0 0 0.0 0 0.0
Anxiety 0 0.0 82 66.7 0 0.0
Depression 0 0.0 72 58.5 0 0.0
Other Diagnosis 17 13.9 30 24.4 0 0.0
No co-occurring diagnoses 105 86.1 92 74.8 0 0.0
Age in years M (SD) 38.6 (12.8) 35.3 (13.0) 37.0 (13.6)
Total 122 123 245
Note. Anxiety includes Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Panic Disorder, and Social Anxiety Disorder. Depression includes Major Depressive Disorder, Major Depressive Episode, and Persistent Depressive Disorder. Other Diagnoses include less frequently reported co-occurring diagnoses, such as Autism Spectrum Disorder and Substance-Related and Addictive Disorders. The sum of diagnoses is greater than the total N because individuals with co-occurring diagnoses count towards more than one diagnostic group.
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Table J.22. Demographic Characteristics of the Rated Individuals: CAARS 2 Observer ADHD, Depression/Anxiety, and General Population Samples

Demographic ADHD Depression/Anxiety General Population
N % N % N %
Gender Female 33 41.8 72 73.5 105 59.3
Male 46 58.2 26 26.5 72 40.7
U.S. Race/Ethnicity Asian 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0
Black 2 2.5 8 8.2 10 5.6
Hispanic 7 8.9 6 6.1 13 7.3
White 61 77.2 77 78.6 138 78.0
Other 1 1.3 1 1.0 2 1.1
Canadian Race/Ethnicity Not a visible minority 8 10.1 4 4.1 12 6.8
Visible minority 0 0.0 2 2.0 2 1.1
U.S. Region Northeast 14 17.7 11 11.2 36 20.3
Midwest 21 26.6 33 33.7 31 17.5
South 21 26.6 41 41.8 63 35.6
West 15 19.0 7 7.1 33 18.6
Canadian Region Central 5 6.3 6 6.1 7 4.0
East 1 1.3 0 0.0 2 1.1
West 2 2.5 0 0.0 5 2.8
Education Level No high school diploma 0 0.0 1 1.0 1 0.6
High school diploma/GED 10 12.7 14 14.3 24 13.6
Some college or associate degree 34 43.0 31 31.6 65 36.7
Bachelor’s degree 18 22.8 31 31.6 49 27.7
Graduate or professional degree 17 21.5 21 21.4 38 21.5
Co-occurring Diagnoses ADHD (All Presentations) 79 100.0 0 0.0 0 0.0
Anxiety 0 0.0 74 75.5 0 0.0
Depression 0 0.0 59 60.2 0 0.0
Other Diagnosis 14 17.7 27 27.6 0 0.0
No co-occurring diagnoses 65 82.3 71 72.4 0 0.0
Age in years M (SD) 36.7 (12.3) 36.8 (13.2) 36.9 (13.1)
Total 79 98 177
Note. Anxiety includes Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Panic Disorder, and Social Anxiety Disorder. Depression includes Major Depressive Disorder, Major Depressive Episode, and Persistent Depressive Disorder. Other Diagnoses include less frequently reported co-occurring diagnoses, such as Autism Spectrum Disorder and Substance-Related and Addictive Disorders. The sum of diagnoses is greater than the total N because individuals with co-occurring diagnoses count towards more than one diagnostic group.
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Table J.23. Demographic Characteristics of Raters: CAARS 2 Observer ADHD, Depression/Anxiety, and General Population Samples

Demographic ADHD Depression/Anxiety General Population
N % N % N %
Gender Female 54 68.4 62 63.3 109 61.6
Male 24 30.4 35 35.7 68 38.4
Other 1 1.3 1 1.0 0 0.0
U.S. Race/Ethnicity Asian 0 0.0 0 0.0 1 0.6
Black 2 2.5 8 8.2 13 7.3
Hispanic 9 11.4 5 5.1 15 8.5
White 60 75.9 76 77.6 130 73.4
Other 0 0.0 3 3.1 3 1.7
Canadian Race/Ethnicity Not a visible minority 8 10.1 4 4.1 12 6.8
Visible minority 0 0.0 2 2.0 3 1.7
U.S. Region Northeast 12 15.2 12 12.2 31 17.5
Midwest 24 30.4 32 32.7 28 15.8
South 21 26.6 39 39.8 72 40.7
West 14 17.7 9 9.2 31 17.5
Canadian Region Central 6 7.6 6 6.1 7 4.0
East 1 1.3 0 0.0 3 1.7
West 1 1.3 0 0.0 5 2.8
Education Level No high school diploma 1 1.3 1 1.0 4 2.3
High school diploma/GED 7 8.9 16 16.3 30 16.9
Some college or associate degree 17 21.5 30 30.6 74 41.8
Bachelor’s degree 23 29.1 30 30.6 50 28.2
Graduate or professional degree 31 39.2 21 21.4 19 10.7
Relation to individual being rated Spouse 49 62.0 30 30.6 35 19.8
Friend 10 12.7 25 25.5 52 29.4
Other Family Member 18 22.8 41 41.8 90 50.8
Other 2 2.5 2 2.0 0 0.0
Length of relationship 1–5 months 1 1.3 0 0.0 1 0.6
6–11 months 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0
1–3 years 5 6.3 5 5.1 12 6.8
More than 3 years 73 92.4 93 94.9 164 92.7
How well does the rater know the individual being rated? Moderately well 1 1.3 5 5.1 14 7.9
Very well 78 98.7 93 94.9 163 92.1
How often does the rater interact with the individual being rated? Monthly 2 2.5 1 1.0 14 7.9
Weekly 13 16.5 26 26.5 63 35.6
Daily 64 81.0 71 72.4 100 56.5
Age in years M (SD) 40.6 (13.4) 40.2 (13.2) 39.5 (14.4)
Total 79 98 177
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Table J.24. Demographic Characteristics: CAARS 2 Self-Report ADHD and Matched General Population Samples for Classification Accuracy

Demographic General Population ADHD Inattentive or Combined General Population ADHD Hyperactive/​Impulsive or Combined General Population ADHD All Presentations
N % N % N % N % N % N %
Gender Female 67 43.2 67 43.2 39 41.5 39 41.5 69 43.1 69 43.1
Male 88 56.8 88 56.8 55 58.5 55 58.5 91 56.9 91 56.9
U.S. Race/Ethnicity Asian 2 1.3 2 1.3 1 1.1 1 1.1 2 1.2 2 1.2
Black 5 3.2 5 3.2 4 4.3 4 4.3 5 3.1 5 3.1
Hispanic 8 5.2 8 5.2 4 4.3 4 4.3 8 5.0 8 5.0
White 124 80.0 124 80.0 72 76.6 72 76.6 129 80.6 129 80.6
Other 2 1.3 2 1.3 2 2.1 2 2.1 2 1.2 2 1.2
Canadian Race/Ethnicity Not a visible minority 12 7.7 12 7.7 9 9.6 9 9.6 12 7.5 12 7.5
Visible minority 2 1.3 2 1.3 2 2.1 2 2.1 2 1.2 2 1.2
U.S. Region Northeast 17 11.0 32 20.6 14 14.9 10 10.6 23 14.4 32 20.0
Midwest 29 18.7 35 22.6 19 20.2 21 22.3 34 21.2 36 22.5
South 59 38.1 44 28.4 31 33.0 30 31.9 56 35.0 45 28.1
West 36 23.2 30 19.4 19 20.2 22 23.4 33 20.6 33 20.6
Canadian Region East 1 0.6 2 1.3 2 2.1 0 0.0 1 0.6 1 0.6
Central 8 5.2 7 4.5 5 5.3 5 5.3 6 3.8 6 3.8
West 5 3.2 5 3.2 4 4.3 6 6.4 7 4.4 7 4.4
Education Level No high school diploma 1 0.6 1 0.6 1 1.1 1 1.1 1 0.6 1 0.6
High school diploma/GED 14 9.0 14 9.0 10 10.6 10 10.6 16 10.0 16 10.0
Some college or associate degree 64 41.3 64 41.3 43 45.7 43 45.7 66 41.2 66 41.2
Bachelor's degree 40 25.8 40 25.8 20 21.3 20 21.3 41 25.6 41 25.6
Graduate or professional degree 36 23.2 36 23.2 20 21.3 20 21.3 36 22.5 36 22.5
Diagnosis Anxiety 0 0.0 34 21.9 0 0.0 28 29.8 0 0.0 39 24.4
Depression 0 0.0 38 24.5 0 0.0 24 25.5 0 0.0 43 26.9
Other Diagnosis 0 0.0 35 22.6 0 0.0 24 25.5 0 0.0 36 22.5
No co-occurring diagnoses 0 0.0 83 53.5 0 0.0 45 47.9 0 0.0 84 52.5
Age in years M (SD) 37.7 (13.3) 37.7 (12.7) 35.9 (12.1) 35.9 (11.9) 37.6 (13.2) 37.5 (12.6)
Total 155 100.0 155 100.0 94 100.0 94 100.0 160 100.0 160 100.0
Note. Anxiety includes Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Panic Disorder, and Social Anxiety Disorder. Depression includes Major Depressive Disorder, Major Depressive Episode, and Persistent Depressive Disorder. Other Diagnoses include less frequently reported co-occurring diagnoses, such as Autism Spectrum Disorder and Substance-Related and Addictive Disorders. The sum of diagnoses is greater than the total N because individuals with co-occurring diagnoses count towards more than one diagnostic group.
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Table J.25. Demographic Characteristics of the Rated Individuals: CAARS 2 Observer ADHD and Matched General Population Samples for Classification Accuracy

Demographic General Population ADHD Inattentive or Combined General Population ADHD Hyperactive/​Impulsive or Combined General Population ADHD All Presentations
N % N % N % N % N % N %
Gender Female 61 50.0 61 50.0 33 44.0 33 44.0 63 50.0 63 50.0
Male 61 50.0 61 50.0 42 56.0 42 56.0 63 50.0 63 50.0
U.S. Race/Ethnicity Asian 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0
Black 2 1.6 2 1.6 0 0.0 0 0.0 2 1.6 2 1.6
Hispanic 8 6.6 8 6.6 5 6.7 5 6.7 8 6.3 8 6.3
White 98 80.3 98 80.3 61 81.3 61 81.3 102 81.0 102 81.0
Other 4 3.3 4 3.3 1 1.3 1 1.3 4 3.2 4 3.2
Canadian Race/Ethnicity Not a visible minority 10 8.2 10 8.2 8 10.7 8 10.7 10 7.9 10 7.9
Visible minority 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0
U.S. Region Northeast 25 20.5 27 22.1 15 20.0 13 17.3 24 19.0 26 20.6
Midwest 25 20.5 29 23.8 16 21.3 16 21.3 28 22.2 27 21.4
South 39 32.0 35 28.7 25 33.3 23 30.7 42 33.3 38 30.2
West 23 18.9 21 17.2 11 14.7 15 20.0 22 17.5 25 19.8
Canadian Region East 1 0.8 2 1.6 0 0.0 1 1.3 0 0.0 2 1.6
Central 6 4.9 6 4.9 6 8.0 6 8.0 7 5.6 6 4.8
West 3 2.5 2 1.6 2 2.7 1 1.3 3 2.4 2 1.6
Education Level No high school diploma 1 0.8 1 0.8 1 1.3 1 1.3 1 0.8 1 0.8
High school diploma/GED 14 11.5 14 11.5 8 10.7 8 10.7 16 12.7 16 12.7
Some college or associate degree 54 44.3 54 44.3 33 44.0 33 44.0 55 43.7 55 43.7
Bachelor's degree 26 21.3 26 21.3 19 25.3 19 25.3 26 20.6 26 20.6
Graduate or professional degree 27 22.1 27 22.1 14 18.7 14 18.7 28 22.2 28 22.2
Diagnosis Anxiety 0 0.0 33 27.0 0 0.0 23 30.7 0 0.0 36 28.6
Depression 0 0.0 38 31.1 0 0.0 19 25.3 0 0.0 41 32.5
Other Diagnosis 0 0.0 32 26.2 0 0.0 23 30.7 0 0.0 35 27.8
No co-occurring diagnoses 0 0.0 57 46.7 0 0.0 34 45.3 0 0.0 57 45.2
Age in years M (SD) 36.3 (12.7) 36.4 (12.9) 35.6 (10.8) 35.7 (11.5) 36.3 (12.9) 36.4 (12.9)
Total 122 100.0 122 100.0 75 100.0 75 100.0 126 100.0 126 100.0
Note. Anxiety includes Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Panic Disorder, and Social Anxiety Disorder. Depression includes Major Depressive Disorder, Major Depressive Episode, and Persistent Depressive Disorder. Other Diagnoses include less frequently reported co-occurring diagnoses, such as Autism Spectrum Disorder and Substance-Related and Addictive Disorders. The sum of diagnoses is greater than the total N because individuals with co-occurring diagnoses count towards more than one diagnostic group.
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Table J.26. Demographic Characteristics of Raters: CAARS 2 Observer ADHD and Matched General Population Samples for Classification Accuracy

Demographic General Population ADHD Inattentive or Combined General Population ADHD Hyperactive/​Impulsive or Combined General Population ADHD All Presentations
N % N % N % N % N % N %
Gender Female 74 60.7 75 61.5 45 60.0 46 61.3 74 58.7 73 57.9
Male 48 39.3 47 38.5 30 40.0 29 38.7 52 41.3 53 42.1
U.S. Race/Ethnicity Asian 1 0.8 1 0.8 0 0.0 1 1.3 1 0.8 0 0.0
Black 5 4.1 0 0.0 3 4.0 2 2.7 5 4.0 2 1.6
Hispanic 9 7.4 10 8.2 7 9.3 7 9.3 12 9.5 10 7.9
White 91 74.6 100 82.0 55 73.3 56 74.7 94 74.6 103 81.7
Other 4 3.3 0 0.0 2 2.7 0 0.0 2 1.6 0 0.0
Canadian Race/Ethnicity Not a visible minority 10 8.2 11 9.0 7 9.3 9 12.0 11 8.7 11 8.7
Visible minority 2 1.6 0 0.0 1 1.3 0 0.0 1 0.8 0 0.0
U.S. Region Northeast 25 20.5 27 22.1 15 20.0 13 17.3 24 19.0 26 20.6
Midwest 25 20.5 29 23.8 16 21.3 16 21.3 28 22.2 27 21.4
South 39 32.0 35 28.7 25 33.3 23 30.7 42 33.3 38 30.2
West 23 18.9 21 17.2 11 14.7 15 20.0 22 17.5 25 19.8
Canadian Region East 1 0.8 2 1.6 0 0.0 1 1.3 0 0.0 2 1.6
Central 6 4.9 6 4.9 6 8.0 6 8.0 7 5.6 6 4.8
West 3 2.5 2 1.6 2 2.7 1 1.3 3 2.4 2 1.6
Education Level No high school diploma 3 2.5 1 0.8 1 1.3 0 0.0 5 4.0 1 0.8
High school diploma/GED 18 14.8 16 13.1 12 16.0 8 10.7 23 18.3 17 13.5
Some college or associate degree 53 43.4 33 27.0 30 40.0 22 29.3 47 37.3 31 24.6
Bachelor's degree 33 27.0 43 35.2 25 33.3 25 33.3 35 27.8 44 34.9
Graduate or professional degree 15 12.3 29 23.8 7 9.3 20 26.7 16 12.7 33 26.2
Relation to individual being rated Spouse 25 20.5 77 63.1 18 24.0 49 65.3 35 27.8 78 61.9
Friend 37 30.3 14 11.5 19 25.3 8 10.7 34 27.0 15 11.9
Other Family Member 60 49.2 28 23.0 38 50.7 16 21.3 57 45.2 30 23.8
Other 0 0.0 3 2.5 0 0.0 2 2.7 0 0.0 3 2.4
Length of relationship 1–5 months 3 2.5 1 0.8 2 2.7 0 0.0 3 2.4 1 0.8
6–11 months 1 0.8 1 0.8 1 1.3 1 1.3 0 0.0 1 0.8
1–3 years 5 4.1 8 6.6 3 4.0 6 8.0 5 4.0 9 7.1
More than 3 years 113 92.6 112 91.8 69 92.0 68 90.7 118 93.7 115 91.3
How well does the rater know the individual being rated? Moderately well 7 5.7 3 2.5 5 6.7 3 4.0 5 4.0 4 3.2
Very well 115 94.3 119 97.5 70 93.3 72 96.0 121 96.0 122 96.8
How often does the rater interact with the individual being rated? Monthly 11 9.0 2 1.6 9 12.0 0 0.0 8 6.3 2 1.6
Weekly 41 33.6 19 15.6 25 33.3 10 13.3 34 27.0 20 15.9
Daily 70 57.4 101 82.8 41 54.7 65 86.7 84 66.7 104 82.5
Age in years M (SD) 40.9 (14.7) 37.3 (13.2) 39.6 (14.5) 37.0 (12.6) 40.8 (14.3) 37.9 (13.1)
Total 122 100.0 122 100.0 75 100.0 75 100.0 126 100.0 126 100.0


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Table J.27. Demographic Characteristics of the Rated Individuals: CAARS 2 Gender Matched Samples

Demographic Self-Report Observer
Male Female Male Female
N % N % N % N %
Gender Female 0 0.0 463 100.0 0 0.0 444 100.0
Male 463 100.0 0 0.0 444 100.0 0 0.0
U.S. Race/Ethnicity Asian 15 3.2 15 3.2 8 1.8 6 1.4
Black 39 8.4 39 8.4 49 11.0 49 11.0
Hispanic 50 10.8 50 10.8 39 8.8 39 8.8
White 316 68.3 317 68.5 312 70.3 312 70.3
Other 3 0.6 2 0.4 6 1.4 6 1.4
Canadian Race/Ethnicity Not a visible minority 37 8.0 36 7.8 29 6.5 29 6.5
Visible minority 3 0.6 4 0.9 1 0.2 3 0.7
Education Level No high school diploma 37 8.0 37 8.0 37 8.3 37 8.3
High school diploma/GED 144 31.1 144 31.1 139 31.3 139 31.3
Some college or associate degree 147 31.7 147 31.7 135 30.4 135 30.4
Bachelor’s degree 91 19.7 91 19.7 96 21.6 96 21.6
Graduate or professional degree 44 9.5 44 9.5 37 8.3 37 8.3
U.S. Region Northeast 69 14.9 79 17.1 69 15.5 77 17.3
Midwest 81 17.5 94 20.3 93 20.9 96 21.6
South 175 37.8 165 35.6 155 34.9 159 35.8
West 98 21.2 85 18.4 97 21.8 80 18.0
Canadian Region Central 21 4.5 26 5.6 16 3.6 20 4.5
East 4 0.9 3 0.6 3 0.7 1 0.2
West 15 3.2 11 2.4 11 2.5 11 2.5
Primary Language(s) Spoken English only 408 88.1 408 88.1 400 90.1 400 90.1
English and Non-English 55 11.9 55 11.9 44 9.9 44 9.9
Diagnosis ADHD Inattentive 7 1.5 4 0.9 5 1.1 0 0.0
ADHD Combined 5 1.1 6 1.3 7 1.6 4 0.9
ADHD Hyperactive/Impulsive 0 0.0 0 0.0 1 0.2 0 0.0
Anxiety 7 1.5 10 2.2 9 2.0 6 1.4
Depression 14 3.0 18 3.9 10 2.3 16 3.6
Other Diagnoses 2 0.4 4 0.9 12 2.7 7 1.6
No Diagnosis 444 95.9 444 95.9 425 95.7 425 95.7
Age in years M (SD) 50.4 (18.1) 50.7 (18.3) 51.3 (18.1) 51.1 (18.0)
Total 463 100.0 463 100.0 444 100.0 444 100.0
Note. Anxiety includes Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Panic Disorder, and Social Anxiety Disorder. Depression includes Major Depressive Disorder, Major Depressive Episode, and Persistent Depressive Disorder. Other Diagnoses include less frequently reported co-occurring diagnoses, such as Autism Spectrum Disorder and Substance-Related and Addictive Disorders. The sum of diagnoses is greater than the total N because individuals with co-occurring diagnoses count towards more than one diagnostic group.
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Table J.29. Demographic Characteristics of the Rated Individuals: CAARS 2 Self-Report U.S. Race/Ethnicity Matched Samples

Demographic White vs. Asian White vs. Black White vs. Hispanic
White Asian White Black White Hispanic
N % N % N % N % N % N %
Gender Female 26 50.0 26 50.0 73 52.9 73 52.9 42 45.2 42 45.2
Male 26 50.0 26 50.0 65 47.1 65 47.1 51 54.8 51 54.8
Education Level No high school diploma 1 1.9 1 1.9 12 8.7 12 8.7 13 14.0 13 14.0
High school diploma/GED 9 17.3 9 17.3 42 30.4 42 30.4 30 32.3 30 32.3
Some college or associate degree 15 28.8 15 28.8 46 33.3 46 33.3 23 24.7 23 24.7
Bachelor’s degree 16 30.8 16 30.8 30 21.7 30 21.7 22 23.7 22 23.7
Graduate or professional degree 11 21.2 11 21.2 8 5.8 8 5.8 5 5.4 5 5.4
U.S. Region Northeast 14 26.9 13 25.0 27 19.6 29 21.0 19 20.4 17 18.3
Midwest 11 21.2 2 3.8 23 16.7 24 17.4 17 18.3 15 16.1
South 17 32.7 8 15.4 63 45.7 68 49.3 39 41.9 33 35.5
West 10 19.2 29 55.8 25 18.1 17 12.3 18 19.4 28 30.1
Primary Language(s) Spoken English Only 42 80.8 42 80.8 135 97.8 135 97.8 64 68.8 64 68.8
English and Non-English 10 19.2 10 19.2 3 2.2 3 2.2 29 31.2 29 31.2
Diagnosis ADHD Inattentive -- -- -- -- 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0
ADHD Combined -- -- -- -- 0 0.0 1 0.7 1 1.1 0 0.0
ADHD Hyperactive/Impulsive -- -- -- -- 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0
Anxiety -- -- -- -- 3 2.2 2 1.4 2 2.2 0 0.0
Depression -- -- -- -- 4 2.9 5 3.6 3 3.2 3 3.2
Other Diagnoses -- -- -- -- 1 0.7 0 0.0 2 2.2 1 1.1
No Diagnosis -- -- -- -- 133 96.4 133 96.4 90 96.8 90 96.8
Age in years M (SD) 49.7 (17.7) 49.8 (18.6) 48.7 (17.7) 48.3 (17.5) 45.0 (18.4) 45.2 (18.6)
Total 52 100.0 52 100.0 138 100.0 138 100.0 93 100.0 93 100.0
Note. Anxiety includes Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Panic Disorder, and Social Anxiety Disorder. Depression includes Major Depressive Disorder, Major Depressive Episode, and Persistent Depressive Disorder. Other Diagnoses include less frequently reported co-occurring diagnoses, such as Autism Spectrum Disorder and Substance-Related and Addictive Disorders. The sum of diagnoses is greater than the total N because individuals with co-occurring diagnoses count towards more than one diagnostic group.
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Table J.30. Demographic Characteristics of the Rated Individuals: CAARS 2 Observer U.S. Race/Ethnicity Matched Samples

Demographic White vs. Asian White vs. Black White vs. Hispanic
White Asian White Black White Hispanic
N % N % N % N % N % N %
Gender Female 20 57.1 20 57.1 74 48.7 74 48.7 57 55.3 57 55.3
Male 15 42.9 15 42.9 78 51.3 78 51.3 46 44.7 46 44.7
Education Level No high school diploma 2 5.7 2 5.7 13 8.6 13 8.6 10 9.7 10 9.7
High school diploma/GED 6 17.1 6 17.1 51 33.6 51 33.6 29 28.2 29 28.2
Some college or associate degree 9 25.7 9 25.7 47 30.9 47 30.9 30 29.1 30 29.1
Bachelor’s degree 10 28.6 10 28.6 30 19.7 30 19.7 21 20.4 21 20.4
Graduate or professional degree 8 22.9 8 22.9 11 7.2 11 7.2 13 12.6 13 12.6
U.S. Region Northeast 8 22.9 9 25.7 26 17.1 21 13.8 25 24.3 21 20.4
Midwest 6 17.1 3 8.6 36 23.7 34 22.4 19 18.4 13 12.6
South 14 40.0 10 28.6 53 34.9 81 53.3 40 38.8 30 29.1
West 7 20.0 13 37.1 37 24.3 16 10.5 19 18.4 39 37.9
Primary Language(s) Spoken English Only 20 57.1 20 57.1 148 97.4 148 97.4 77 74.8 77 74.8
English and Non-English 15 42.9 15 42.9 4 2.6 4 2.6 26 25.2 26 25.2
Diagnosis ADHD Inattentive -- -- -- -- 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0
ADHD Combined -- -- -- -- 1 0.7 0 0.0 0 0 0 0
ADHD Hyperactive/Impulsive -- -- -- -- 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0
Anxiety -- -- -- -- 1 0.7 2 1.3 1 1 0 0
Depression -- -- -- -- 1 0.7 2 1.3 1 1 1 1
Other Diagnoses -- -- -- -- 1 0.7 0 0.0 0 0 0 0
No Diagnosis -- -- -- -- 149 98.0 149 98.0 102 99 102 99
Age in years M (SD) 50.3 (21.7) 50.3 (21.5) 48.2 (18.1) 47.6 (17.2) 46.0 (18.3) 46.0 (18.7)
Total 35 100.0 35 100.0 152 100.0 152 100.0 103 100.0 103 100.0
Note. Anxiety includes Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Panic Disorder, and Social Anxiety Disorder. Depression includes Major Depressive Disorder, Major Depressive Episode, and Persistent Depressive Disorder. Other Diagnoses include less frequently reported co-occurring diagnoses, such as Autism Spectrum Disorder and Substance-Related and Addictive Disorders. The sum of diagnoses is greater than the total N because individuals with co-occurring diagnoses count towards more than one diagnostic group.
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Table J.31. Demographic Characteristics of Raters: CAARS 2 Observer U.S. Race/Ethnicity Matched Samples

Demographic White vs. Asian White vs. Black White vs. Hispanic
White Asian White Black White Hispanic
N % N % N % N % N % N %
Gender Female 24 68.6 21 60.0 108 71.1 97 63.8 71 68.9 70 68
Male 11 31.4 14 40.0 44 28.9 55 36.2 32 31.1 33 32
Education Level No high school diploma 2 5.7 0 0.0 8 5.3 3 2.0 7 6.8 3 2.9
High school diploma/GED 5 14.3 7 20.0 35 23.0 39 25.7 18 17.5 24 23.3
Some college or associate degree 13 37.1 10 28.6 68 44.7 59 38.8 40 38.8 31 30.1
Bachelor’s degree 8 22.9 12 34.3 28 18.4 38 25.0 22 21.4 35 34
Graduate or professional degree 7 20.0 6 17.1 13 8.6 13 8.6 16 15.5 10 9.7
Region Northeast 7 20.0 9 25.7 22 14.5 23 15.1 22 21.4 20 19.4
Midwest 4 11.4 3 8.6 36 23.7 29 19.1 19 18.4 14 13.6
South 19 54.3 10 28.6 62 40.8 85 55.9 44 42.7 31 30.1
West 5 14.3 13 37.1 32 21.1 15 9.9 18 17.5 38 36.9
Relation to individual being rated Spouse 11 31.4 12 34.3 9 5.9 35 23.0 14 13.6 20 19.4
Friend 8 22.9 9 25.7 2 1.3 45 29.6 9 8.7 27 26.2
Other Family Member 16 45.7 14 40.0 138 90.8 69 45.4 79 76.7 55 53.4
Other 0 0.0 0 0.0 3 2.0 3 2.0 1 1 1 1
Length of relationship 1–5 months 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 2 1.3 0 0 0 0
6 –11 months 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 2 1.3 0 0 3 2.9
1–3 years 4 11.4 2 5.7 1 0.7 10 6.6 4 3.9 7 6.8
More than 3 years 31 88.6 33 94.3 151 99.3 138 90.8 99 96.1 93 90.3
How well does the rater know the individual being rated? Moderately Well 1 2.9 4 11.4 5 3.3 9 5.9 2 1.9 5 4.9
Very Well 34 97.1 31 88.6 147 96.7 143 94.1 101 98.1 98 95.1
How often does the rater interact with the individual being rated? Monthly 5 14.3 4 11.4 10 6.6 13 8.6 9 8.7 8 7.8
Weekly 9 25.7 9 25.7 63 41.4 47 30.9 43 41.7 28 27.2
Daily 21 60.0 22 62.9 79 52.0 92 60.5 51 49.5 67 65
Age in years M (SD) 46.5 (17.4) 43.5 (18.8) 45.2 (14.7) 43.2 (14.9) 47.3 (14.2) 39.6 (14.8)
Total 35 100.0 35 100.0 152 100.0 152 100.0 103 100.0 103 100.0
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Table J.32. Demographic Characteristics of the Rated Individuals: CAARS 2 U.S. and Canada Matched Samples

Demographic Self-Report Observer
U.S. Canada U.S. Canada
N % N % N % N %
Gender Female 44 51.2 44 51.2 40 49.4 40 49.4
Male 42 48.8 42 48.8 41 50.6 41 50.6
U.S. Race/Ethnicity Asian 7 8.1 -- -- 9 11.1 -- --
Black 0.0 0.0 -- -- 0 0.0 -- --
Hispanic 2 2.3 -- -- 1 1.2 -- --
White 74 86.0 -- -- 70 86.4 -- --
Other 3 3.5 -- -- 1 1.2 -- --
Canadian Race/Ethnicity Not a visible minority -- -- 76 88.4 -- -- 70 86.4
Visible minority -- -- 10 11.6 -- -- 11 13.6
Education Level No high school diploma 10 11.6 10 11.6 7 8.6 7 8.6
High school diploma/GED 24 27.9 24 27.9 23 28.4 23 28.4
Some college or associate degree 27 31.4 27 31.4 27 33.3 27 33.3
Bachelor’s degree 18 20.9 18 20.9 13 16.0 13 16.0
Graduate or professional degree 7 8.1 7 8.1 11 13.6 11 13.6
U.S. Region Northeast 13 15.1 -- -- 19 23.5 -- --
Midwest 16 18.6 -- -- 17 21.0 -- --
South 33 38.4 -- -- 26 32.1 -- --
West 24 27.9 -- -- 19 23.5 -- --
Canadian Region Central -- -- 49 57.0 -- -- 44 54.3
East -- -- 8 9.3 -- -- 6 7.4
West -- -- 29 33.7 -- -- 31 38.3
Primary Language(s) Spoken English Only 74 86.0 74 86.0 60 74.1 60 74.1
English and Non-English 12 14.0 12 14.0 21 25.9 21 25.9
Diagnosis ADHD Inattentive 2 2.3 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0
ADHD Combined 1 1.2 1 1.2 0 0.0 1 1.2
ADHD Hyperactive/Impulsive 9 10.5 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0
Anxiety 2 2.3 2 2.3 1 1.2 1 1.2
Depression 1 1.2 3 3.5 2 2.5 2 2.5
Other Diagnoses 0 0.0 0 0.0 1 1.2 0 0.0
No Diagnosis 83 96.5 83 96.5 79 97.5 79 97.5
Age in years M (SD) 51.8 (18.4) 52.3 (18.7) 52.2 (18.3) 52.2 (18.6)
Total 86 100.0 86 100.0 81 100.0 81 100.0
Note. Anxiety includes Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Panic Disorder, and Social Anxiety Disorder. Depression includes Major Depressive Disorder, Major Depressive Episode, and Persistent Depressive Disorder. Other Diagnoses include less frequently reported co-occurring diagnoses, such as Autism Spectrum Disorder and Substance-Related and Addictive Disorders. The sum of diagnoses is greater than the total N because individuals with co-occurring diagnoses count towards more than one diagnostic group.
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Table J.34. Demographic Characteristics of the Rated Individuals and Raters: CAARS 2 French Translation

Demographic Rated Individual Raters
Self-Report Observer
N % N % N %
Gender Male 140 51.1 90 46.2 109 55.9
Female 134 48.9 104 53.3 84 43.1
Other 0 0.0 1 0.5 2 1.0
Canadian Race/Ethnicity Not a visible minority 231 84.3 178 91.3 171 87.7
Visible minority 43 15.7 17 8.7 20 10.3
Canadian Region Central 263 96.0 192 98.5 186 95.3
East 4 1.5 1 0.5 7 3.7
West 7 2.6 2 1.0 2 1.0
Education Level No highs chool diploma 9 3.3 9 4.6 6 3.1
High school diploma/GED 60 21.9 43 22.1 34 17.4
Some college or associate degree 104 38.0 98 50.3 83 42.6
Bachelor's degree 67 24.5 32 16.4 48 24.6
Graduate or professional degree 34 12.4 13 6.7 24 12.3
Relation to individual being rated Spouse -- -- -- -- 121 62.1
Friend -- -- -- -- 32 16.4
Other Family Member -- -- -- -- 35 17.9
Other -- -- -- -- 7 3.6
How long has the rater known the individual being rated? 1–5 months -- -- -- -- 2 1.0
6–11 months -- -- -- -- 3 1.5
1–3 years -- -- -- -- 10 5.1
More than 3 years -- -- -- -- 180 92.3
How well does the rater know the individual being rated? Moderately well -- -- -- -- 12 6.2
Very well -- -- -- -- 183 93.8
How often does the rater interact with the individual being rated? Monthly -- -- -- -- 9 4.6
Weekly -- -- -- -- 28 14.4
Daily -- -- -- -- 158 81.0
Age in years M (SD) 46.3 (17.2) 51.0 (17.1) 49.2 (17.1)
Total 274 100.0 195 100.0 195 100.0
Note. Race/Ethnicity was not provided for four Observers.
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Table J.35. Demographic Characteristics of the Rated Individuals and Raters: CAARS 2 Spanish Translation

Demographic Rated Individual Raters
Self-Report Observer
N % N % N %
Gender Male 157 55.5 122 53.0 92 40.0
Female 125 44.2 107 46.5 137 59.6
Other 1 0.4 1 0.4 1 0.4
U.S. Race/Ethnicity Hispanic 253 89.4 178 77.4 228 99.1
Asian 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0
Black 2 0.7 3 1.3 0 0.0
White 26 9.2 45 19.6 2 0.9
Other 2 0.7 4 1.7 0 0.0
Hispanic Origin Mexican, Mexican American, Chicano 112 44.3 71 39.9 90 39.5
Puerto Rican 44 17.4 36 20.2 40 17.5
Cuban 22 8.7 21 11.8 31 13.6
Other Hispanic, Latin, or Spanish Origin 75 29.6 50 28.1 67 29.4
U.S. Region Northeast 48 17.0 34 14.8 34 14.8
Midwest 24 8.5 20 8.7 20 8.7
South 139 49.1 119 51.7 119 51.7
West 72 25.4 57 24.8 57 24.8
Education Level No high school diploma 3 1.1 12 5.2 1 0.4
High school diploma/GED 32 11.3 40 17.4 28 12.2
Some college or associate degree 82 29.0 56 24.3 68 29.6
Bachelor's degree 102 36.0 64 27.8 81 35.2
Graduate or professional degree 64 22.6 58 25.2 52 22.6
Relation to individual being rated Spouse -- -- -- -- 140 60.9
Friend -- -- -- -- 45 19.6
Other family member -- -- -- -- 36 15.7
Other -- -- -- -- 9 3.9
How long has the rater known the individual being rated? 1–5 months -- -- -- -- 1 0.4
6–11 months -- -- -- -- 3 1.3
1–3 years -- -- -- -- 11 4.8
More than 3 years -- -- -- -- 215 93.5
How well does the rater know the individual being rated? Moderately well -- -- -- -- 14 6.1
Very well -- -- -- -- 216 93.9
How often does the rater interact with the individual being rated? Monthly -- -- -- -- 8 3.5
Weekly -- -- -- -- 27 11.7
Daily -- -- -- -- 195 84.8
Age in years M (SD) 45.0 (15.3) 49.0 (16.1) 48.6 (15.1)
Total 283 100.0 230 100.0 230 100.0
Note. The % column in the Hispanic Origin section has a total sample size equal to the number of individuals who identified as Hispanic in the U.S. Race/Ethnicity section.

Impact of COVID-19 on Normative Scores

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Table J.37. Demographic Characteristics for the 2019 and 2022 Samples: CAARS 2 Observer

Demographic 2019 Sample 2022 Sample
Rater Rated Individual Rater Rated Individual
N % N % N % N %
Gender Female 165 70.5 117 50 135 57.7 117 50
Male 69 29.5 117 50 98 41.9 117 50
Other 0 0 0 0 1 0.4 0 0
Race/Ethnicity Asian 6 2.6 8 3.4 8 3.4 8 3.4
Black 24 10.3 29 12.4 26 11.1 29 12.4
Hispanic 40 17.2 29 12.4 33 14.1 29 12.4
White 160 68.7 163 69.7 162 69.2 163 69.7
Other 3 1.3 5 2.1 5 2.1 5 2.1
Education Level No high school diploma 7 3 12 5.1 10 4.3 12 5.1
High school diploma/GED 48 20.6 83 35.5 72 30.8 83 35.5
Some college or associate degree 93 39.9 65 27.8 65 27.8 65 27.8
Bachelor’s degree 62 26.6 42 17.9 57 24.4 42 17.9
Graduate or professional degree 23 9.9 32 13.7 30 12.8 32 13.7
U.S. Region Northeast -- -- 48 20.5 -- -- 50 21.4
Midwest -- -- 43 18.4 -- -- 38 16.2
South -- -- 80 34.2 -- -- 108 46.2
West -- -- 63 26.9 -- -- 38 16.2
Relation to individual being rated Spouse 29 12.4 -- -- 73 31.2 -- --
Other family member 170 72.6 -- -- 103 44 -- --
Friend 32 13.7 -- -- 53 22.6 -- --
Other 3 1.3 -- -- 5 2.1 -- --
How well does the rater know the individual being rated? Moderately well 12 5.1 -- -- 10 4.3 -- --
Very well 222 94.9 -- -- 224 95.7 -- --
Length of relationship 1-5 months 1 0.4 -- -- 2 0.9 -- --
6-11 months 1 0.4 -- -- 5 2.1 -- --
1-3 years 8 3.4 -- -- 21 9 -- --
More than 3 years 224 95.7 -- -- 206 88 -- --
How often does the rater interact with the individual being rated? Monthly 28 12 -- -- 22 9.4 -- --
Weekly 90 38.5 -- -- 63 26.9 -- --
Daily 116 49.6 -- -- 149 63.7 -- --
Age in years M (SD) 42.5 (15.7) 43.7 (17.8) 46.2 (17.8) 43.1 (17.3)
Total 234 234
Note. Matched samples were selected based on characteristics of the rated individual.
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