
CAARS 2 Manual

Chapter 13: Data Collection

Data Collection

Studies were conducted to explore the psychometric properties of the CAARS 2 translations. All individuals in these studies were bilingual and indicated that they spoke both English and either French or Spanish “very well.”

The studies were conducted digitally via online recruitment and accessed via an email link shared with participants. All participants provided consent and received a small monetary compensation. Independent samples of participants completed either the CAARS 2 Self-Report or the CAARS 2 Observer and were recruited to one of the following two counterbalanced orders:

  1. Participants completed the English version of the CAARS 2 first, followed by the translated version.

  2. Participants completed the translated version of the CAARS 2 first, followed by the English version

Statistical analyses determined that collapsing across orders eliminated any observed order effects (that is, although scores changed slightly depending on which language was completed first, the impact was negligible and controlled by counterbalancing in the research design). Detailed information regarding the samples, analyses, and results are provided below, first for the French (Canada) translation, followed by the Spanish (North America) translation.

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